Sunday, November 13, 2011♥Holidays :)
YO EVERYBODAY.Yes it's been a long time since my last update. :D
I'm just too busy.
Busy sleeping and busy cleaning up my room, hehe.
well, Senior One has come to an end.
Time flies like an effing meteor. lawl.
In year 2011, I shed uncountable tears,
put up massive smiles on my face ...
but it just feels so weird.
It's like, my life's changing.
Ookay, it's transforming.
I'm growing up ! =)
Funny that my parents didn't stop me from doing what I want.
Thank 2011 for making me grow.
& thank fate for bringing us together, you're the nicest guy i've ever been with.
Dear friends,
I've been in a relationship but it doesn't mean that i've forgotten you guys.
Seriously, don't give me the feeling that i'm forbidden to be in a relationship.
Or i've forgotten about friendship cause i've found my love, blahblahblah.
I feel stressful, "frowny face.
OH and,
Dear all !
I will be flying to Jakarta, Indonesia by 19th of November. (This Saturday)
Don't miss me ya! =)
I've done an urgent update of my blog so that all of you can keep up with my latest updates when I'm in JKT. :D
I'll be coming back to KL by 29th of November, on a Tuesday.
안녕 =D
즐거운 성탄절 보내시고 새해 복 많이 받으세요 !
(Merry xmas & a happy new year)
although it's abit early :P
hee hee ! ❤
Friday, September 2, 2011♥A Midnight Random.
dear all,
regarding the picture post below.
oh well. pictures say a thousand words.
therefore, i have nothing to say.
nothing, nothing at all ~
haha , i'm just plain lazy (:
meh heh , ignore muah. =